Need A Dietitian For Weight Loss

Do you think you’ve given up on losing weight since nothing seems to work? You’ve tried crash diets, medications, exercise, cosmetic operations, and super-quick diets, haven’t you? These are made to sell, not to provide you with the wonderful health that you need. Crash dieting and starvation can have a significant negative impact on your health. As your blood sugar lowers due to a lack of nutritious food, you feel tired, dejected, and even dizzy. Stop torturing your body like this.

We provide you with the greatest healthy eating plan to help you lose weight and keep it off for good. Eating the correct foods, combined with a few lifestyle tweaks and mild exercise, is the key to maintaining a healthy weight.

A dietician is required to obtain adequate health advice and weight loss help. Weight control entails not gaining too much weight or being too thin. It entails maintaining a consistent weight throughout your life. Dietitians play an important part in promoting health since they will tailor your diet to your body’s specific needs.

How We Help


We provide services for both weight loss and weight growth. This is only the beginning; the ultimate goal is to live a healthy lifestyle.

Diet Plan

We concentrate on changing a person’s lifestyle and forming long-term habits so that once the weight is lost, it does not return.

Daily Track

Throughout the course of the plan, this process of interacting with customers and teaching them about their bodies, lifestyles, and what works for them.

Program Features

  • 1 or 2 Video call as per plan
  • 1 Telephonic consultation
  • Weekly follow ups
  • Fortnightly customised diet & lifestyle plans
  • Diet plan includes the features like recipes, exercise , dos, don’ts, etc.
  • Lifestyle guidance, guides for portion control, eating out and maintenance
  • Standard Support: 9:30am to 8:00pm IST

Personalized - Weight Loss Diet Plan

  • Cooking Tips and Trends
  • Snack and Meal Ideas
  • Vegetarian and Special Diets
  • Nutrition Facts and Food Labels
Real People Real Stories

I got to know about Dr. Deepika from Social Media, and when I called her first time, she made me so comfortable and in first meet she told me about my health issues, I gained my weight due to pcos, stress and hormonal imbalance, she gave me diet plan and used to take reviews on phone daily as well as once in 15 days. I am still in touch with her and she always guide me for changes, as hormonal imbalance n stress are the always be the parts of my life, I like the way she tell and explain the things, the way she make her client comfortable, its excellent. It boosts to do the diet comfortable and with available things in your kitchen. Now, she is no more my dietitian, she is my close friend with whom I can discuss so many things comfortably.

– Dhanashree Ombhase

I am very about my weight loss. I have consulted with Deepika mam regarding weight loss treatment. She has given very easy diet plan that contains all ingredients which is easily available in kitchen. I saw difference in my body within just one week. I have successfully lost near about 1 and half kg in span of 1 week itself and I found inch loss in my upper body. I have pcos still am able to lose weight. This is possible because of only Deepika mam’s diet plan. Apart from this she is very friendly in nature she listens all my health related problem and given me solution. One most important thing which I like about diet plan is that she doesn’t prescribe any protein powder she gives all homemade options which is natural and easily available in kitchen. I will definitely prescribe Deepika mam for weight loss happy with the result still I have to follow diet plan to reach my goal.

Nikhat Bagwan

Dietitian, Nutritionist for Health and Fitness!