Diet For ( Kids Obesity/Underweight/Nourish)

A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential for a child’s growth and development. Get the greatest health advice and an ideal food plan for young children from us.

Children's Major Health Concerns:

There are a variety of health problems that can affect children, some of which are listed here.

  • Food intolerances and allergies
  • Weight increase that is excessive
  • Weight gain is poor.
  • A feeding tube is required.
  • Disorders of swallowing and chewing
  • Lung problems
  • Disorders of the digestive system
  • Autism

Top Energy Sources For The Health Of A Growing Child

A growing child’s body requires more carbohydrates and proteins to stay healthy.

Calcium – Calcium is required for a child’s healthy growth. Milk is the most common source of calcium.
Iron – Iron serves as the body’s oxygen transporter. It is critical for a child’s brain and muscular growth and development.
Protein – is a macromolecule that serves as the body’s building block. For greater growth, a child’s body need a larger protein intake.
Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are the most vital nutrients for the body of a child. Your child’s diet should include brown rice and raisins.
Essential Fatty Acids – Essential fatty acids are required for the correct functioning of the body in growing youngsters. Walnuts and flaxseeds should be included in a child’s daily diet.

Program Features

1 or 2 Video call as per plan
1 Telephonic consultation
Weekly follow ups
Fortnightly customised diet & lifestyle plans
Diet plan includes the features like recipes, exercise , dos, don’ts, etc.
Lifestyle guidance, guides for portion control, eating out and maintenance
Standard Support: 9:30am to 8:00pm IST

Dietitian, Nutritionist for Health and Fitness!